For the surname: CLUGSTON

Full Name Suburb State Year
Ada CLUGSTONSydneyWestern Australia1988
Ashley CLUGSTONCarlingfordWestern Australia1981
Aubrey CLUGSTONMaroubraWestern Australia1976
Edith CLUGSTONat Springwood, Belmore and AdaminabyWestern Australia1974
Elsie CLUGSTONat Alkoomi Nursing HomeVictoria2004
Elsie CLUGSTONMaroubraWestern Australia1994
Herbert CLUGSTONRandwickWestern Australia1987
Ian CLUGSTONat Tweed HeadsWestern Australia1989
Jack CLUGSTONErmingtonWestern Australia1986
John CLUGSTONSpringwoodWestern Australia1996
Laura CLUGSTONAshfieldWestern Australia1980
Lillie CLUGSTONWestern Australia1979
Patricia CLUGSTONRandwickWestern Australia1994
Phillip CLUGSTONPadstowWestern Australia1996
Thelma CLUGSTONSee FLETCHER, ThelmaWestern Australia1998
Wyn CLUGSTONSpringwoodWestern Australia1990
Roy CLUGSTONQueensland2009
Irene CLUGSTONQueensland2010
Edgar ClugstonMelbourne0
William ClugstonMelbourne0
Lt ClugstonMelbourne0
Celia CLUGSTONSydneyNew South Wales0
According to our researches, the frequency of the surname CLUGSTON in Australia is about 0.0032% Question: What is the probability that a phone number belongs to a certain person? Answer: The probability that a phone number belongs to a certain person is 1/2^31. This means that if you have a list of one billion phone numbers, the probability that a certain phone number belongs to a certain person is 1 in 2^31.