For the surname: CHENHALL

Full Name Suburb State Year
Yvonne CHENHALLArncliffeWestern Australia1979
Allen CHENHALLWestern Australia1994
Annie CHENHALLat CarlingfordWestern Australia1985
Betty CHENHALLWoronora Heights, formerly of South CronullaWestern Australia1998
Brian CHENHALLno death notice, but obituary on p4Western Australia2001
Daisy CHENHALLWagstaffeWestern Australia2005
Edith CHENHALLLakembaWestern Australia1977
Eileen CHENHALLEaglevaleWestern Australia1998
Elijah CHENHALLat R.G.H. Concord, CaringbahWestern Australia1974
Elizabeth CHENHALLPelaw MainWestern Australia2002
George CHENHALLMirandaWestern Australia1999
Hild CHENHALLCooroyQueensland2006
Horace CHENHALLMalabarWestern Australia1998
H. CHENHALLWestern Australia1981
Ivy CHENHALLWestern Australia2002
John CHENHALLBooker BayWestern Australia1990
Madge CHENHALLKingsgroveWestern Australia1998
Margaret CHENHALLWestern Australia2001
Ronald CHENHALLNaroomaWestern Australia1984
Roy CHENHALLMarrickvilleWestern Australia1983
Ruth CHENHALLWatsons BayWestern Australia1994
William CHENHALLLakembaWestern Australia1973
William CHENHALLBotanyWestern Australia1975
Teresa CHENHALLPagewoodWestern Australia2002
Barry CHENHALLVictoria2007
Kenneth CHENHALLVictoria2007
William CHENHALLVictoria2009
Donald CHENHALLBrisbaneQLD0
Donald CHENHALLBrisbaneQLD0
Donald CHENHALLBrisbaneQLD0
According to the recent census of 2011, there are 1,907 people with the surname CHENHALL living in Australia.  About 0.006% of Australians share this surname.  In the 2011 census, the state of Queensland has the largest number of people with the surname CHENHALL: 631  There are 5 people with the surname CHENHALL in the US. The surname CHENHALL is not common  Statistics data from  http