For the surname: CATLEY

Full Name Suburb State Year
Desmond CATLEYCarinaQueensland2005
Eliza CATLEYWoolloomooloo BayWestern Australia1899
Harley CATLEYRydeWestern Australia1981
Harriet CATLEYBalmain, formerly of DundasWestern Australia1997
Jack CATLEYWestern Australia1979
James CATLEYBlacktownWestern Australia2003
Thelma CATLEYWestern Australia1972
William CATLEYBalmainWestern Australia1973
Allan CATLEYat Auckland NZWestern Australia1987
Audrey CATLEYLeichhardt, formerly of BalmainWestern Australia1994
Charlotte CATLEYTamaramaWestern Australia1976
Corey CATLEYVictoria2006
Kenneth CATLEYBondiWestern Australia1972
Lawrence CATLEYNeutral BayWestern Australia1982
Leslie CATLEYCroydon ParkWestern Australia2004
Margaret CATLEYat MarrickvilleWestern Australia1983
Mark CATLEYWestern Australia1996
Ron CATLEYWestern Australia2006
Ronald CATLEYEastwoodWestern Australia1976
Ronald CATLEYBlacksmiths, formerly of BalmainWestern Australia2006
Rosalind CATLEYChittaway BayWestern Australia2001
Ross CATLEYPortland, Oregon USA, formerly of Castle Cove and BudgewoiWestern Australia1987
Vevida CATLEYNeutral BayWestern Australia1974
Terry CATLEYWestern Australia2007
Will CATLEYWestern Australia2009
Ronald CATLEYBrisbane0
Christopher CATLEYBrisbane0
Douglas CATLEYBrisbaneQueensland0
The surname CATLEY has a population of 5,000 (50,000 less than the family name CATHCART). The name CATLEY is most prevalent in New South Wales (1,000) and Victoria (1,000). There are approximately 500+ people with the last name CATLEY in the United States. The name CATLEY is at least 101 years old. The oldest documented person to bear the name CATLEY was born in 1852. This means that the age of the