For the surname: BUSST

Full Name Suburb State Year
Florence BUSSTBlacktown and North SydneyWestern Australia1991
George BUSSTNorth RydeWestern Australia1995
Joseph BUSSTat HobartWestern Australia1983
Robert BUSSTPenrithWestern Australia1999
Sidney BUSSTat R.G.H. Concord, BlacktownWestern Australia1977
William BUSSTNorth SydneyWestern Australia1946
Bernard BUSSTWestern Australia2000
Merle BUSSTWestern Australia0
Michael BusstMelbourne0
Mick BusstMelbourne0
Michaeldiv BusstMelbourne0
Kenneth BUSST0
Kenneth BUSST0
Kenneth BUSST0
Kenneth BUSST0
Kenneth BUSST0
Kenneth BUSST0
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the surname BUSST has been ranked number 7,871 in terms of most frequently occurring surnames in Australia with a total of 4,826 occurrences. It is located above the average of 9,600,000. It is also ranked number 8,867 in terms of most frequently occurring surnames in New South Wales with a total of 1,852 occurrences. It is located above the average of 8,600,000. It is also