For the surname: BURKHARDT

Full Name Suburb State Year
Dorise BURKHARDTWestern Australia1980
Eddith BURKHARDTBangalow, formerly of LismoreWestern Australia2000
Ernest BURKHARDTWoodendQueensland2006
Hilda BURKHARDTQueensland2005
Jack BURKHARDTGreenacreWestern Australia1980
Andrew BURKHARDTat Marie Curie Hospice, Belfast Park, London, England, formerly of Forster and TuncurryWestern Australia2003
Anne BURKHARDTNorth Rocks, formerly of AuburnWestern Australia1981
Buddy BURKHARDTAdelaideSA0
Buddy BURKHARDTAdelaideSA0
Wesley BURKHARDTBrisbaneQLD0
Wesley BURKHARDTBrisbaneQLD0
Wesley BURKHARDTBrisbaneQLD0
Wesley BURKHARDTBrisbaneQLD0
Wesley BURKHARDTBrisbaneQLD0
Wesley BURKHARDTBrisbaneQLD0
Wesley BURKHARDTBrisbaneQLD0
There are more than hundred people in Australia with surname BURKHARDT. On the other hand there are more than hundred thousand with the family name BURKHARDT in the USA. BURKHARDT is the 636th most popular surname in USA. List of people with surname BURKHARDT. BURKHARDT surname in Australia 2000: BURKHARDT surname in United States: