For the surname: BULLER

Full Name Suburb State Year
Edith BULLERProspectWestern Australia1989
Evelyn BULLERQueensland2005
Hartley BULLERWestern Australia1997
John BULLERWestern Australia1998
Raymond BULLERSouth Australia2005
Charles BULLERSouth Australia2006
Eric BULLERSouth Australia2006
Ashleigh BULLERSouth Australia2007
George BULLERSouth Australia2007
The BULLERSouth Australia2007
Myra BULLERVictoria2008
Thelma BULLERVictoria2009
Stephen BullerHobart0
Douglas BullerHobart0
Les BULLERAdelaideSouth Australia0
Leslie BULLERAdelaideSouth Australia0
Donald BULLERAdelaideSouth Australia0
About 30% of Australian residents were born outside of Australia, and the name BULLER is not common enough to be included in the list of the 100 most common surnames. However, the name BULLER is not rare either, with about 4,942 people in Australia bearing the surname, and an estimated 8,000 people in the United States. This suggests that the surname is not rare at all, with a worldwide distribution of about 13,000 people. The frequency