For the surname: BUCKHOLZ

Full Name Suburb State Year
Emily BUCKHOLZAdelaide0
Walter BUCKHOLZAdelaideSA0
Walter BUCKHOLZAdelaideSA0
Walter BUCKHOLZAdelaideSA0
Walter BUCKHOLZAdelaideSA0
Walter BUCKHOLZAdelaideSA0
Walter BUCKHOLZAdelaideSA0
Walter BUCKHOLZAdelaideSA0
Walter BUCKHOLZAdelaideSA0
Walter BUCKHOLZAdelaideSA0
Walter BUCKHOLZAdelaideSA0
Walter BUCKHOLZAdelaideSA0
Walter BUCKHOLZAdelaideSA0
Walter BUCKHOLZAdelaideSA0
Walter BUCKHOLZAdelaideSA0
Walter BUCKHOLZAdelaideSA0
Walter BUCKHOLZAdelaideSA0
Walter BUCKHOLZAdelaideSA0
Walter BUCKHOLZAdelaideSA0
Walter BUCKHOLZAdelaideSA0
Walter BUCKHOLZAdelaideSA0
Walter BUCKHOLZAdelaideSA0
Walter BUCKHOLZAdelaideSA0
Walter BUCKHOLZAdelaideSA0
According to the current US Population Census, the frequency of the surname BUCKHOLZ is approximately 0.0017% (1780 people). This is lower than previous Census results. In the year 2000 there were people in the US with the surname BUCKHOLZ. In the year 2000 there were people in the US with the first name BUCKHOLZ. The following states have the highest populations of BUCKHOLZ (note that population of state =