For the surname: BRINE

Full Name Suburb State Year
Alice BRINEformerly of RoseberyWestern Australia1998
Eileen BRINEOatleyWestern Australia1991
Gillian BRINELisarowWestern Australia2000
Gordon BRINESouth Australia1999
Jean BRINEVictoria2005
John BRINESouth Australia1999
Margaret BRINEVictoria2005
Melva BRINEat Nerrilda Nursing Home, Port AugustaSouth Australia2005
Roma BRINESouth Australia2005
William BRINERedheadWestern Australia2005
Frederick BRINEGorokanWestern Australia1987
Dorothy BRINESouth Australia2007
Douglas BRINESouth Australia2007
Winifred BRINESouth Australia2008
Win BRINESouth Australia2008
Lois BRINESouth Australia2008
Ines BRINESouth Australia2010
(nee BRINESouth Australia2009
TJ, BRINESouth Australia2010
Herbert BRINEAdelaideSouth Australia0
Barry BRINEAdelaideSouth Australia0
John BRINEAdelaide0
Don BRINEAdelaide0
Royal BrineAdelaideSouth Australia0
Douglas BRINEAdelaideSA0
Douglas BRINEAdelaideSA0
Douglas BRINEAdelaideSA0
According to the Australian Electoral Commission, there were 558 people with the surname BRINE on the federal electoral roll in 2001. This was 0.068% of the total federal electoral roll. The following tables are based on information taken from the Australian Electoral Commission's "Australian Electoral Roll" of 30 September 2001, and are sorted alphabetically by surname within each state. The tables include the number of people with the surname, the total number of people on