For the surname: BRIDGEWATER

Full Name Suburb State Year
Amy BRIDGEWATERHeathcoteWestern Australia1997
Arthur BRIDGEWATERat FijiWestern Australia1998
Arthur BRIDGEWATERWoollahraWestern Australia1992
Clara BRIDGEWATERStrathfield, formerly of AuburnWestern Australia1993
Edna BRIDGEWATERWestern Australia2000
Edward BRIDGEWATEREppingWestern Australia1980
Edward BRIDGEWATERCroydon, formerly of CampsieWestern Australia1972
James BRIDGEWATERat R.G.H. Concord, RosevilleWestern Australia1977
Joseph BRIDGEWATEROrmistonQueensland2000
Kathleen BRIDGEWATERNewportWestern Australia1988
Mary BRIDGEWATEREppingWestern Australia2000
Renet BRIDGEWATERHeathcoteWestern Australia1997
Eleanore BRIDGEWATERQueensland2008
Charlotte BRIDGEWATERVictoria2008
The BRIDGEWATERVictoria2008
Please BRIDGEWATERWestern Australia2009
John BRIDGEWATERMelbourne0
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the surname BRIDGEWATER ranks #1,476 in popularity in Australia. The surname BRIDGEWATER is used by 5,919 people in Australia, and is in the top 99.9% percentile for popularity worldwide. In Australia, the frequency of the surname is higher than that of most other surnames, but lower than that of the most common surname. The following data is from the Social Security Administration, and