For the surname: BREALEY

Full Name Suburb State Year
Clarence BREALEYCampbelltownWestern Australia1976
Elizabeth BREALEYat North Parramatta, formerly of Beverly HillsWestern Australia1977
Francis BREALEYWestern Australia1994
Jessie BREALEYformerly of HawkerSouth Australia2005
John BREALEYat Mater Private HospitalQueensland2003
Joseph BREALEYMerrylandsWestern Australia1988
Mary BREALEYGladesvilleWestern Australia2002
Muriel BREALEYWestern Australia1999
Paul BREALEYWestern Australia1999
Vera BREALEYCampbelltownWestern Australia1985
Kate BREALEYVictoria2010
Ian BrealeyMelbourne0
Walter BREALEYAdelaide0
Robert BrealeyAdelaide0
Wally BREALEYAdelaide0
Doris BREALEYAdelaideSouth Australia0
Doss BREALEYAdelaideSouth Australia0
Dorothy BREALEYBrisbaneQueensland0
Keefe BREALEYHobartTasmania0
According to the Australian census of 1911, the surname BREALEY was ranked number 872. The surname BREALEY was ranked number 872 in the census of year 1911. In the census of year 2001, the surname BREALEY was ranked number 5,906. Question: What is the gender of BREALEY? Answer: According to Australian census records, the surname BREALEY has been ranked number 872 for both male and female. Question: What