For the surname: BORCHARDT

Full Name Suburb State Year
Florence BORCHARDTHolland Park and Burpengary, formerly of GayndahQueensland2005
Fred BORCHARDTMosmanWestern Australia1986
Harro BORCHARDTVictoria2005
Heinz BORCHARDTGordonWestern Australia1992
Ivy BORCHARDTWollstonecraftWestern Australia1978
William BORCHARDTformerly of BalmainWestern Australia1997
Stewart BORCHARDTMaryboroughQueensland1997
Leslie BORCHARDTSouth Australia2007
Of BORCHARDTSouth Australia2009
The BORCHARDTVictoria2009
Pauline BORCHARDTSouth Australia2009
Max BORCHARDTVictoria2009
John BORCHARDTSydneyNew South Wales0
Ken BORCHARDTAdelaide0
Ronald BORCHARDTAdelaide0
Kenneth BORCHARDTAdelaide0
Bryan BORCHARDTAdelaide0
Harold BORCHARDTAdelaide0
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), the surname BORCHARDT is not among the Top 100 (most common names) in Australia. It is estimated that there are less than 100 people with the surname BORCHARDT living in Australia. The following table displays the number of people with the surname BORCHARDT in the various states of Australia: In the 2007 census, the state of South Australia had the largest number of people with the surname BOR