For the surname: BOLTE

Full Name Suburb State Year
Alwyn BOLTEHornsbyWestern Australia1987
Clara BOLTEformerly of HornsbyWestern Australia1986
David BOLTEat Sydney Adventist Hospital, TurramurraWestern Australia1978
Dorothy BOLTEat Monash ClaytonVictoria2004
Ellen BOLTEat West WyalongWestern Australia2004
Harold BOLTEManly, formerly of West WyalongWestern Australia1984
Ian BOLTECowraWestern Australia1994
Myrtle BOLTEat Wontama Homes, Orange, Cronulla, formerly of West WyalongWestern Australia1979
Neroli BOLTEWestern Australia1999
Olwyn BOLTEWestern Australia2002
Rex BOLTEKincumberWestern Australia2005
Shirley BOLTEWestern Australia2006
Trevor BOLTEWest WyalongWestern Australia1999
Wilfred BOLTEat West WyalongWestern Australia2001
Henry BOLTEat MeredithWestern Australia1990
The BOLTEVictoria2007
Allan BOLTEVictoria2007
Alex BOLTESydneyNew South Wales0
Marcia BOLTESydney0
Jennifer BOLTESydneyNew South Wales0
Approximately 1,957 people with the surname BOLTE live in Australia. The frequency of the surname BOLTE is higher than average in the states of Victoria (1,066) and New South Wales (1,049). Some names may also be written in different ways: BOLTE, BOLTTE, BOLT, BOLTZ, BOLTES, BOLTZS, BOLTZ, BOLTZE, B