For the surname: BOLE

Full Name Suburb State Year
Alice BOLERose BayWestern Australia1979
Joseph BOLEat Clare Holland HouseQueensland2003
Louisa BOLEWestern Australia1946
Marcela BOLEat Royal Melbourne HospitalVictoria2006
Neil BOLEat BelfastWestern Australia2002
Patricia BOLERose BayWestern Australia1972
repose BOLEVictoria2007
Silvester BOLEVictoria2007
Joyce BOLEVictoria2007
Miss BOLEVictoria2007
Arthur BOLEVictoria2008
Jozef BOLEVictoria2009
The BOLEVictoria2009
Mary BOLEVictoria2009
Ivanka BOLEAdelaideSA0
Ivanka BOLEAdelaideSA0
rank BOLE0
nee BOLE0
According to Australian Census 2006, there were 718 people with the surname BOLE in Australia. There are more than 3.5 million people with the surname BOLE in the world. In the 2006 Australian Census, the states and territories with most number of people with the surname BOLE were New South Wales (145) and Victoria (144). Question: What is the history of BOLE in Australia? Answer: The first person to come to Australia with the surname BOLE was Joseph