For the surname: BOHN

Full Name Suburb State Year
Keith BOHNMaryboroughVictoria2005
Mary BOHNOur Lady of the Sacred Heart Convent, KensingtonWestern Australia1979
Roslyn BOHNVictoria2004
Vern BOHNVictoria2005
William BOHNat Austin HospitalVictoria2005
Albert BOHNRiverstoneWestern Australia1978
Elsie BOHNVictoria2009
Family BOHNVictoria2009
Dawn BOHNSouth Australia2010
Stephen BOHNVictoria2010
Dawn BOHNAdelaide0
Barbara BOHNAdelaide0
Bill BOHNAdelaide0
Alan BOHNSurfers ParadiseQueensland0
According to the statistics, the frequency of the surname BOHN is 1.1/10 000 (in the US. The frequency of the surname BOHN is 0.5/10 000 (in the UK). The following statistics illustrate the situation in Australia: Question: What is the probability that a family with the surname BOHN has two children with the same first name? Answer: The probability is 0.000 (calculated using the formula: P=n/N.