For the surname: BLOK

Full Name Suburb State Year
David BLOKMount Gambier/NangwarrySouth Australia1998
Gezienus BLOKNaracoorteSouth Australia2006
Jacobus BLOKWestern Australia1987
John BLOKWestern Australia1999
Leo BLOKPoint PiperWestern Australia1972
Olga BLOKformerly of WarrawongWestern Australia2003
Johanna BLOKNaracoorteSouth Australia1993
Betty BLOKVictoria2006
Mrs BLOKVictoria2006
Illano BLOKVictoria2007
Elizabeth BLOKAdelaideSouth Australia0
Maria BlokAdelaide0
Helen BlokAdelaideSouth Australia0
Elizabeth BLOK0
According to the database of the National Population Registry of Australia, in 2002 there were 2,841 persons with last name BLOK living in Australia. The following maps show the density of population with last name BLOK in each county of Australia. The first map shows a density map of last name BLOK in the population of the states, the second map shows a density map of last name BLOK in the population of the territories. This surname is most prevalent in the following Austr