For the surname: BLOCH

Full Name Suburb State Year
Gertrude BLOCHWestern Australia1983
Gretta BLOCHDouble BayWestern Australia1981
Gwenyth BLOCHSylvaniaWestern Australia1990
Harry BLOCHat Repatriation Hospital, Concord, SylvaniaWestern Australia1977
Maria BLOCHAinslie, ACTQueensland2004
Raymond BLOCHat LismoreWestern Australia1983
Richard BLOCHKansas CityQueensland2004
Robert BLOCHWestern Australia1988
Ruth BLOCHWestern Australia1995
Sydney BLOCHWestern Australia2000
Valda BLOCHGoolmangarWestern Australia1984
William BLOCHBellevue HillWestern Australia1981
Betty BLOCHWestern Australia2002
Rudolf BLOCHRose BayWestern Australia1977
Zise BLOCHBondiWestern Australia1975
Precious BLOCHWestern Australia2007
John BLOCHAdelaide0
Most likely it is a nickname, or a shortened form of a longer name. It may have been a nickname for a person with a pale complexion, or perhaps a person who had an illness which caused them to have a pale complexion. Some Jewish families took their surname from the town they lived in. Some Jewish families took their surname from the town they lived in. Some Jewish families took their surname from the town they lived in. Some Jewish families took their surname from the town t