For the surname: BISBY

Full Name Suburb State Year
Helena BISBYEast HillsWestern Australia1994
Henry BISBYAshfieldWestern Australia1981
Kenneth BISBYWarwick FarmWestern Australia1972
Lionel BISBYStretton, formerly of Coopers PlainsQueensland2000
Martha BISBYat KogarahWestern Australia1900
Nancy BISBYEttalong, formerly of North RocksWestern Australia1997
Nena BISBYWestern Australia1998
Rachel BISBYat Concord HospitalWestern Australia2002
Agnes BISBYWollstonecraftWestern Australia1997
Albert BISBYRockdaleWestern Australia1973
Alice BISBYWestern Australia2002
Ethel BISBYformerly of Mortdale and PadstowWestern Australia1983
Ethel BISBYBowralWestern Australia1993
Harold BISBYWestern Australia1995
Harry BISBYWestern Australia1999
February BISBYWestern Australia2007
Edwin BISBYVictoria2008
are BISBYVictoria2008
Ed BISBYVictoria2008
Raymond BISBYSydney0
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (2006), the frequency of the surname BISBY was highest in the state of New South Wales (40 people per million) and lowest in the Australian Capital Territory (0 people per million). The following table presents data from the 2006 population census for surname BISBY in Australia. Bisby is a surname of English and German origin. The name is derived from the Old English words "bysig" and "byssa", meaning "a