For the surname: BIRSS

Full Name Suburb State Year
Bettina BIRSSCaringbahWestern Australia2000
David BIRSSBurwoodWestern Australia1977
James BIRSSCarltonWestern Australia1997
John BIRSSCaringbahWestern Australia1989
Molly BIRSSCoogeeWestern Australia2003
Sarmite BIRSSVictoria2004
Mrs BIRSSVictoria2007
Marjorie BIRSSVictoria2007
Melanie BIRSSVictoria2010
Pam BirssMelbourne0
Pamela BirssMelbourne0
nee BirssMelbourne0
Melanie BIRSSMelbourne0
According to Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) 2011 census data, the surname BIRSS ranks #5,564 in Australia as of 2012. Approximately 0.0011% of Australian residents have the surname BIRSS. In 2012, the surname BIRSS was more common with males than with females. The surname BIRSS is primarily found in New South Wales, more specifically in Lismore. The name BIRSS is used by less than 0.0000% of people