For the surname: BILSON

Full Name Suburb State Year
Ada BILSONDoonsideWestern Australia1973
David BILSONIngleburnWestern Australia1989
Desmond BILSONBallina, formerly of PimlicoWestern Australia1989
Edwin BILSONWestern Australia1955
Ernest BILSONUranganQueensland2001
Eva BILSONWestern Australia1998
Gail BILSONKewVictoria2006
Ilet BILSONat Pendle Hill, formerly of Wyongah and GreenwichWestern Australia1974
Lillian BILSONWestern Australia1990
Neal BILSONWestern Australia1997
Ronald BILSONMatravilleWestern Australia1975
Rose BILSONKirrawee, formerly of North SydneyWestern Australia1972
Roy BILSONDundasWestern Australia1979
Vicki BILSONWestern Australia1999
Wilfred BILSONat Eastern SuburbsWestern Australia1989
Shirley BILSONVictoria2006
Michael BILSONVictoria2007
Ian BILSONVictoria2008
Lesley BILSONHobart0
Relatives BILSONHobart0
According to the surname statistics of the 1990 census of Canada, the frequency of the surname BILSON is 1.9/1000. The following statistics of the 2000 United States Census shows the frequency of the surname BILSON: The surname BILSON occurs in all the countries of the world. The frequency of the surname is highest in the following countries: The following table displays the frequency of the surname BILSON per 10,000 inhabitants of the countries As