For the surname: BIGGERS

Full Name Suburb State Year
Arthur BIGGERSEppingWestern Australia2002
Bertha BIGGERSWestern Australia1987
Charles BIGGERSNorth SydneyWestern Australia1993
Colin BIGGERSNormanhurst, formerly of StrathfieldWestern Australia1983
Edith BIGGERSWestern Australia1981
Eve BIGGERSat LondonWestern Australia1980
Florence BIGGERSWestern Australia2000
Florence BIGGERSSummer HillWestern Australia1995
Frederick BIGGERSWestmeadWestern Australia1978
Harold BIGGERSat LondonWestern Australia1979
Janet BIGGERSWestern Australia2004
John BIGGERSat R.G.H., ConcordWestern Australia1973
John BIGGERSat Belmont, Mt. Hutton, formerly of Swansea and PelicanWestern Australia2003
Lorna BIGGERSFloraville, formerly of Swansea and PelicanWestern Australia2002
Marion BIGGERSWestern Australia1972
Vera BIGGERSStrathfieldWestern Australia1976
Wayne BIGGERSWestern Australia2003
John BIGGERSBrisbane0
Most likely the surname BIGGERS has been registered by more than one family in Australia. Every surname has a history behind it, and many surname spellings can be traced back to a single original root. In the case of BIGGERS, it is possible that the name may have been derived from the Old English word "bigge," which means "big" or "large." This is a very common element of surnames, and can be found in many European countries. In some cases,