For the surname: BETTERMAN

Full Name Suburb State Year
Roy BETTERMANSouth Australia2005
Thomas BETTERMANSouth Australia2006
(nee BETTERMANSouth Australia2006
Mary BETTERMANSouth Australia2006
Elsie BETTERMANSouth Australia2007
Maureen BETTERMANSouth Australia2007
John BETTERMANSouth Australia2008
Jim BETTERMANSouth Australia2008
May BETTERMANAdelaide0
Edward BETTERMANAdelaide0
Ken BETTERMANAdelaide0
Brian BETTERMANAdelaide0
Happy BETTERMANAdelaide0
Kenneth BETTERMANAdelaide0
Pearl BETTERMANAdelaideSouth Australia0
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), BETTERMAN is the 3,853rd most common surname in Australia, with 1,914 bearers. It is most common in New South Wales, where it is shared by 1,053 people. The following data was provided by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) in respect to the surname BETTERMAN: