For the surname: BERRETT

Full Name Suburb State Year
Donald BERRETTSouth Australia2006
Eric BERRETTat Robinvale and District HospitalVictoria2004
Helen BERRETTHazelbrookWestern Australia1976
Don BERRETTSouth Australia2006
Dora BERRETTVictoria2008
Harold BERRETTAdelaideSouth Australia0
Margaret BERRETTAdelaide0
Betty BERRETTAdelaideSouth Australia0
Todd BERRETTSydneyNew South Wales0
Todd BERRETTSydneyNew South Wales0
Todd BERRETTSydneyNew South Wales0
Todd BERRETTSydneyNew South Wales0
Todd BERRETTSydneyNew South Wales0
Todd BERRETTSydneyNew South Wales0
Todd BERRETTSydneyNew South Wales0
Todd BERRETTSydneyNew South Wales0
Todd BERRETTSydneyNew South Wales0
Todd BERRETTSydneyNew South Wales0
Todd BERRETTSydneyNew South Wales0
Todd BERRETTSydneyNew South Wales0
Todd BERRETTSydneyNew South Wales0
Todd BERRETTSydneyNew South Wales0
According to the country statistics, there are 7262 people with surname BERRETT in Australia. This is on a total of 18,919 people. Question: What is the probability to have a surname BERRETT given the following birth data? Answer: Of all the births in Australia from 1890 to 1990, the following is the number of births per year (in thousands) for each birth year and each sex: The following graph displays the probability for