For the surname: BERNHARDT

Full Name Suburb State Year
Mary BERNHARDTformerly of GymeaWestern Australia2002
Patience BERNHARDTWestern Australia1974
Ronald BERNHARDTWestern Australia2001
Kenneth BERNHARDTOtfordWestern Australia1991
Leslie BERNHARDTAnnandaleWestern Australia1984
Lois BERNHARDTat MooloolabaQueensland2003
Marcus BERNHARDTWestern Australia1992
Marcus BERNHARDTMaroubraWestern Australia1976
Maria BERNHARDTWestern Australia1979
Mary BERNHARDTThe RocksWestern Australia1979
Hazel BERNHARDTMaroubraWestern Australia1978
Charlotte BERNHARDTWestern Australia1987
David BERNHARDTByron BayWestern Australia1983
David BERNHARDTWestern Australia1993
Dennis BERNHARDTSouth Australia2005
Elva BERNHARDTat Clare Holland HouseQueensland2003
Esma BERNHARDTRandwickWestern Australia1976
Frederick BERNHARDTat GymeaWestern Australia1991
John BERNHARDTWoy Woy, formerly of HelensburghWestern Australia1985
Joseph BERNHARDTWestern Australia1975
Marcus BERNHARDTRose BayWestern Australia1982
John BERNHARDTthe Central Coast, formerly of SydneyWestern Australia1992
Emanuel BERNHARDTCoogeeWestern Australia1974
Louis BERNHARDTVictoria2007
The BERNHARDTVictoria2009
Elsie BERNHARDTVictoria2009
E: BERNHARDTVictoria2009
Arthur BERNHARDTSouth Australia2010
Dean BERNHARDTSouth Australia2010
Chalmers BERNHARDTMelbourne0
Charlie BERNHARDTMelbourne0
Charles BERNHARDTMelbourne0
Albert BERNHARDTAdelaide0
John BERNHARDTAdelaideSouth Australia0
Barbara BERNHARDTAdelaide0
Gordon BERNHARDTAdelaide0
Stanley BERNHARDTAdelaide0
Lucy BERNHARDTAdelaideSouth Australia0
Carol BERNHARDTAdelaideSouth Australia0
Hans BERNHARDTSydneyNew South Wales0
According to the Australian Census of 2011, there were 16,895 people with the surname BERNHARDT in Australia. There were more than twice as many males with this surname than females. The following map shows the distribution of the surname BERNHARDT in Australia. The darker the colour, the more people in that state or territory. The following table shows the top 50 locations by population density of population with the surname BERNHARDT in Australia. The figures in