For the surname: BENIER

Full Name Suburb State Year
Peter BENIERAdelaideSA0
Peter BENIERAdelaideSA0
Peter BENIERAdelaideSA0
Peter BENIERAdelaideSA0
Peter BENIERAdelaideSA0
Peter BENIERAdelaideSA0
Peter BENIERAdelaideSA0
Peter BENIERAdelaideSA0
Peter BENIERAdelaideSA0
Peter BENIERAdelaideSA0
Peter BENIERAdelaideSA0
Peter BENIERAdelaideSA0
Peter BENIERAdelaideSA0
Peter BENIERAdelaideSA0
Peter BENIERAdelaideSA0
Peter BENIERAdelaideSA0
Peter BENIERAdelaideSA0
Peter BENIERAdelaideSA0
Peter BENIERAdelaideSA0
Peter BENIERAdelaideSA0
Peter BENIERAdelaideSA0
Peter BENIERAdelaideSA0
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) the surname BENIER ranks No. 562 out of approximately 8,000 surnames in Australia. In 2005, the surname BENIER was ranked by the ABS in the top 50% of the most common surnames in Australia. Question: Name, age, occupation and location of people with the surname BENIER Answer: The following table shows the number of people with the surname BENIER as a percentage of the total population.