For the surname: BENEDETTI

Full Name Suburb State Year
Anne BENEDETTIYowie BayWestern Australia2000
Benedetto BENEDETTIWestern Australia1995
Gisberto BENEDETTISmithfieldWestern Australia1983
Giuseppa BENEDETTIWestern Australia1995
Guiseppe BENEDETTIAustralWestern Australia1994
Keith BENEDETTIRichmondWestern Australia2004
Maria BENEDETTIat SmithfieldWestern Australia1983
Dario BENEDETTIat Epworth HospitalVictoria2005
Dina BENEDETTIWestern Australia2002
Lee BENEDETTIVictoria2007
Sarah BENEDETTIQueensland2007
Taken BENEDETTIQueensland2007
Mario BENEDETTIQueensland2007
Maria BENEDETTIVictoria2008
E: BENEDETTIVictoria2008
Franco BENEDETTIAdelaide0
Alice BENEDETTIMelbourne0
According to the population census of 2011, there are 1,852 people with the surname BENEDETTI in Australia, an increase of 6% from the previous census in 2006. The following table shows the number of people with the BENEDETTI surname in each state or territory in Australia. The following table shows the percentage of people with the BENEDETTI surname in each state or territory in Australia. The following map shows the percentage of people with the BENED