For the surname: BENCH

Full Name Suburb State Year
Alma BENCHKyeemaghWestern Australia1973
Edna BENCHMaroubraWestern Australia1984
Henry BENCHMascotWestern Australia1983
Herbert BENCHBeaudesertQueensland2005
Mavis BENCHToowoombaQueensland2003
Raymond BENCHWestern Australia1973
Rita BENCHLane CoveWestern Australia1983
Stanley BENCHSaratogaWestern Australia1972
Dorothy BENCHGosford, formerly of SaratogoWestern Australia1990
Clare BENCHQueensland2009
Paul BENCHSydneyWestern Australia0
Deborah BENCHBrisbaneQLD0
Ashley BENCHBrisbaneQLD0
Daphne BENCHBrisbaneQLD0
Daphne BENCHBrisbaneQLD0
Daphne BENCHBrisbaneQLD0
Daphne BENCHBrisbaneQLD0
Daphne BENCHBrisbaneQLD0
Daphne BENCHBrisbaneQLD0
Daphne BENCHBrisbaneQLD0
Graham BENCH0
Graham BENCH0
Graham BENCH0
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) in 1996 there were 829 persons in Australia with the surname BENCH. It was more common in the state of New South Wales, where it was the 7th most common surname with a frequency of 0.011%. In 1996 BENCH was ranked the 11th most common surname in England, the 18th most common in the United States, the 12th most common in Canada and the 9th most common in Scotland. The following