For the surname: BAZELEY

Full Name Suburb State Year
Bernard BAZELEYShepparton, VictoriaVictoria2006
Edith BAZELEYat Walcha District hospital, formerly of WalchaWestern Australia2004
Helen BAZELEYat San DiegoWestern Australia2004
Mabel BAZELEYRiverwoodWestern Australia1992
Noel BAZELEYDundasWestern Australia1994
Patricia BAZELEYVictoria2004
Thomas BAZELEYSans SouciWestern Australia1999
Phyllis BAZELEYVictoria2006
Barbara BAZELEYVictoria2007
Dorothea BAZELEYVictoria2007
Frank BAZELEYSouth Australia2007
LITURGY BAZELEYSouth Australia2007
Francis BAZELEYSouth Australia2007
Ellen BAZELEYVictoria2007
Mark BAZELEYSouth Australia2008
Madeleine BAZELEYVictoria2008
Much BAZELEYSouth Australia2009
Howard BAZELEYBrisbaneQueensland0
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the frequency of the surname BAZELEY is not available for the period 1901 to 2000. However, the following table contains information on the number of persons with the surname BAZELEY at each Census since 1881. In 1901 and 1911, the Census recorded only the head of the household. Question: What is the probability that a person with the surname BAZELEY in Australia will be named John? Answer: The following table contains infor