For the surname: BATISTE

Full Name Suburb State Year
Allan BATISTESeven HillsWestern Australia1990
Amy BATISTEVerrierdaleQueensland2004
Edwin BATISTEHunters HillWestern Australia1977
Ella BATISTESeven HillsWestern Australia1995
Elsie BATISTEGordon Park and AspleyQueensland2001
Geoffery BATISTEDeception BayQueensland2003
Geoffrey BATISTEQueensland2003
Jessie BATISTEGladesvilleWestern Australia1985
Mabel BATISTECarlingfordWestern Australia1992
Rosa BATISTEHunters HillWestern Australia1989
Sydney BATISTECarlingfordWestern Australia1993
William BATISTEGladesvilleWestern Australia1986
Late BATISTEWestern Australia2009
The surname BATISTE is not common in Australia. There are only 6 people with this surname in Australia. There are more than one thousand people in the world with this surname. The word BATISTE is a 7 letter word. The number of vowels in the word BATISTE is 3 and the number of consonants is 7. Some people say that the meaning of this word BATISTE is: Question: What is the full meaning of Batiste ?