For the surname: BARRO

Full Name Suburb State Year
Giovanni BARROVictoria2007
repose BARROVictoria2007
repose BARROVictoria2008
Carmel BARROVictoria2008
David BARROVictoria2008
Leo BARROVictoria2008
Dave BARROVictoria2009
David BARROVictoria2009
Duilio BARROVictoria2009
Duligo BARROVictoria2009
Isidoro BARROMelbourneVictoria0
Lorenzo BARRO0
Lorenzo BARRO0
Lorenzo BARRO0
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), the surname BARRO  ranked  7,846th  in Australia with  1,094  people. It is more common than  BARRETT ,  BARRETTO ,  BARRETTO  and  BARRETTI . In 2006,  1,094  people  in Australia  were  with the surname  BARRO . Of these,  50.0%  were male and  50.