For the surname: BARRAS

Full Name Suburb State Year
Andrew BARRASat Turramurra, MosmanWestern Australia1935
Angelo BARRASGladesvilleWestern Australia1980
Doreen BARRASAllambie HeightsWestern Australia1973
Esther BARRASChelsea Park Nursing HomeVictoria2004
John BARRASat Calvary HospitalWestern Australia2006
Margaret BARRASVictoria2004
Phillis BARRASWestern Australia2002
Rhonda BARRASWestern Australia1999
Rose BARRASWestern Australia1990
William BARRASConcord WestWestern Australia1995
Harold BARRASVictoria2006
Gary BARRASVictoria2007
The BARRASVictoria2007
Kenneth BARRASVictoria2009
Elsie BARRASVictoria2010
The surname BARRAS has a population of 3,977 in Australia. There are about 1,836 males and 1,141 females. Question: What is the probability of having a surname BARRAS given that the parents are married? Answer: 0.0319% Question: What is the probability of having a surname BARRAS given that the parents are not married? Answer: 0.0168% Question: What is the probability of