For the surname: BARLTROP

Full Name Suburb State Year
Adrian BARLTROPWestern Australia1979
Betty BARLTROPSouth Australia2005
Dudley BARLTROPat Rylstone HospitalWestern Australia1984
Frederick BARLTROPEast Hills, formerly of CharbonWestern Australia1969
Kathleen BARLTROPSouth Australia2006
Len BARLTROPSouth Australia2005
Mary BARLTROPKandosWestern Australia1988
Maurice BARLTROPat BrisbaneWestern Australia1995
Nora BARLTROPWestern Australia1985
Leonard BARLTROPSouth Australia2005
Ron BARLTROPAdelaideSouth Australia0
Ronald BARLTROPAdelaideSouth Australia0
Albert BARLTROPAdelaideSouth Australia0
Pamela BARLTROPAdelaideSouth Australia0
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the surname BARLTROP ranks #4,842 in popularity in Australia. There are around 2,955 people with the surname BARLTROP living in Australia. In 2006, the surname BARLTROP was the 4,842nd most popular surname in Australia. The following statistics are only for the Australian state of New South Wales. The surname BARLTROP is not present in the top 100 most popular surnames in