For the surname: BARGE

Full Name Suburb State Year
Anthony BARGEBeverley ParkWestern Australia1980
Doug BARGEWestern Australia2005
Douglas BARGEat Mercy Hospital, AlburyWestern Australia2005
Isobel BARGEWestern Australia1992
Joyce BARGEBrightonQueensland2006
Marian BARGEWestern Australia2003
Marvin BARGEWestern Australia2005
Nona BARGEat Calvary HospitalSouth Australia2006
Eileen BARGEona Nursing CentreQueensland2003
Joyce Lillian BARGEQueensland2006
The BARGEVictoria2008
Jennie BARGEVictoria2008
Laurel BARGEAdelaide0
Karen BARGEAdelaideSouth Australia0
Karen BARGEAdelaideSouth Australia0
Ada BARGEAdelaide0
According to the recent census taken by the Australian Bureau of Statistics in 2011, there are around 5,871 people in Australia who have the surname Barge. The Australian Bureau of Statistics did not provide any information regarding the frequency of the surname. The frequency of the surname Barge is most common in the state of Victoria. The top five locations in Victoria where the surname Barge is most common are: Melbourne (1,824), Dandenong (1,618), Bendigo (