For the surname: BARBIERI

Full Name Suburb State Year
Dante BARBIERIRevesbyWestern Australia1997
Giovani BARBIERIBeacon HillWestern Australia1987
Helen BARBIERIWestern Australia1999
Michele BARBIERIEastwoodWestern Australia1987
Antonietta BARBIERIVictoria2006
Livia BARBIERIVictoria2008
Davide BARBIERIVictoria2009
Beatrice BARBIERIVictoria2009
The BARBIERIVictoria2009
Barbara BARBIERIVictoria2009
Peter BARBIERIBrisbane0
Lewis BarbieriAdelaideSouth Australia0
Franklin BarbieriAdelaideSouth Australia0
Anna BarbieriSydneyNew South Wales0
Rosetta BARBIERIAdelaideSouth Australia0
The surname BARBIERI is not common in Australia. There is less than 1 person per thousand in Australia with the surname BARBIERI. The frequency of the surname BARBIERI is higher than average in the following states and territories: The surname BARBIERI is most common in the following Australian states: Notable people with the surname BARBIERI: