For the surname: BALODIS

Full Name Suburb State Year
Emilija BALODISGeorges HallWestern Australia1989
Jadviga BALODISWaterlooWestern Australia1991
Janis BALODISHomebushWestern Australia1980
Leva BALODISWestern Australia1994
Lidija BALODISWestern Australia1990
Ruta BALODISWestern Australia2001
Peteris BALODISGeorges HallWestern Australia1992
FAMILY BALODISSouth Australia2007
Born BALODISSouth Australia2007
Aina BALODISSouth Australia2007
on BALODISVictoria2007
Otto BALODISVictoria2007
Linda BALODISVictoria2008
to BALODISVictoria2008
Alma BALODISAdelaide0
The surname BALODIS has a frequency of 0.0002% in Australia. It ranks at position 2167 of the most common surnames in Australia. There are less than 10 people with surname BALODIS in Australia. Name BALODIS has seven characters. It means that it is relatively short-length, compared to the other surnames in Australia. In Australia, it is more common to use the name BALODIS as the surname than as the