For the surname: BALLAN

Full Name Suburb State Year
Annie BALLANat Hobart, MarrickvilleWestern Australia1981
Charles BALLANPeakhurstWestern Australia1994
Janice BALLANPeakhurst SouthWestern Australia2004
Josephine BALLANPeakhurstWestern Australia1995
Luigino BALLAN0
Luigino BALLAN0
Luigino BALLAN0
Luigino BALLAN0
Luigino BALLAN0
Luigino BALLAN0
Luigino BALLAN0
Luigino BALLAN0
Luigino BALLAN0
Luigino BALLAN0
Luigino BALLAN0
Luigino BALLAN0
Luigino BALLAN0
About 100 people with the surname BALLAN live in Australia. There are about 40 people in Australia with the first name BALLAN. The information above might also be of use if you're interested in these names: BALLANTINE BALLANTYNE BALLARD BALLAY BALLAYE BALLAYS BALLBACH BALLBACHER BALLBACHERS BALLBACK BALLBACKS BALLBADEN BALLBADENS BALLBADIN BALLBADINES BALLBADINE BALLBAD