For the surname: BALDI

Full Name Suburb State Year
Adelaide BALDIWestern Australia2004
Battista BALDIMilperraWestern Australia1985
Concetta BALDICroydonWestern Australia1973
Dario BALDIThe GapQueensland2005
Francesco BALDIGeorges HallWestern Australia1975
Giuseppe BALDIWestern Australia1977
Irma BALDIGeorges HallWestern Australia1989
Margherita BALDIVictoria2006
Carlo BALDIVictoria2007
repose BALDIVictoria2007
Lina BALDIVictoria2007
Lou BALDIVictoria2009
Louis BALDIVictoria2009
Riposi BALDIVictoria2009
Raymond BALDISydneyNew South Wales0
Raymond BALDISydneyNew South Wales0
Raymond BALDISydneyNew South Wales0
Raymond BALDISydneyNew South Wales0
Raymond BALDISydneyNew South Wales0
Raymond BALDISydneyNew South Wales0
Raymond BALDISydneyNew South Wales0
The surname BALDI in Australia is used at a frequency of 0.00000%. There are approximately 0 people in Australia with surname BALDI. Data: Australia, use of surname BALDI Surname: BALDI Frequency: Last name: BALDI First name: Australia: Sex: Male: Female: Written with first and last names (or just first name) Surname